What if you put your hand on the earth and it nourished you as if your fingers were roots?

What if you could shed your fears and false beliefs like leaves and as they rotted away in the dark they turned into nourishing truths, feeding you love, light, courage and confidence?

I believe the earth is your soul. I am constantly drawn back to the ground and its where my practice begins and ends. 

I invite you to join me in embracing the darkness and have different ways in which you can choose to do this using Yoga practice as tool for deeper investigation into the Self. Explore what is your truth. Prepare your body and mind to turn and face the darkness of the year.
This practice is one that acknowledges our whole self and is a deeper journey into that relationship. Release held tension, cultivate a conscious connection with the shadow that will allows greater capacity for light. 

Leytonstone Yoga classes with new times and a beautiful new venue the Good Shepherd Building on Davis Lane start next week. 

Brand new Kids Yoga every Tuesday at 4pm also starts in Leytonstone. Using the fun and creative Enchanted Wonders yoga card game, the intuition of the children themselves (they have a natural instinct) and 20 years experience of working with all ages, I am excited to start a Leytonstone Kids Yoga class.

Online booking now available for classes via Paypal.
Its a great way to make yourself commit to class and includes special offers so you save money.
If you pay for 7 weeks in advance you get 1 class free. Happy days.
Go here www.jessicagreen.net/yoga to find out more.

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