Inspired by my love of both I invite you to join me tomorrow for a Yoga practice with a killer sound track. 

Saturday 25 June 2016
2pm- 4pm
Leyton Yoga 

691 High Road Leyton (first floor, above USSR & B-Fix)
London, E10 6RA

In the fieriest part of the year let's tap into that element and draw it into our hearts and minds via our skin, muscles and bones.

Yoga is my act of rebellion it gave me the freedom, confidence and clarity to see for myself what is true in my life and what is bullshit.
Not by following my spiritual path to silent retreat or reclusive ashram but by practicing in London year after year, in between jobs, after work, all weekend, whenever I could squeeze it in. The deeper I got the hotter it burned (the truth). 

I can trust my yoga practice to heal, answer, unravel, reveal the truth in all its complexities.

There is something I see in a riotous performance that takes every single last piece of passion, energy, love, anger. The burn I see in the faces and hearts of many of these performers is the same burn I feel in my muscles, bones, and mind when I practice. So the soundtrack should be fitting. 

Plumb the depths of your practice, challenge your beliefs and awaken your consciousness in this fiery, music-fueled Vinyasa yoga practice.

Yoga can be rebellious, anarchic and unrestrained. After all, Kali, the goddess of creation, preservation and destruction, is not only the subject of numerous legendary rock songs but also seems to possess many of today’s female rock icons.

In honour of Kali, this workshop is dedicated to the fire that reveals the truth, burns through conditioning, unravels restrictions and releases contractions in the body and mind.

Join us and discover what you have to offer to be transformed by this fire of practice.

This workshop includes mantra chanting and some challenging asana work. Previous Yoga experience is advised.
